Graduate School of Regional Resource Management

Grounded in the three academic domains of Geosciences (Geo), Ecology (Eco), and Humanities and Social Sciences (Socio), we are pioneering the new field of regional resource management. Our goal is to foster individuals equipped with both the theory and practical skills in this domain.

Study Field

ECO Study Field

The main theme is to recover the rural ecosystem including reintroduction of Oriental stork, Japanese population once extinct in the wild. In order to do this, ecological and behavioral research of the bird has been conducted. Conservation and restoration of ecological communities has also been conducted. These attempts are developing a comprehensive method to establish a sustainable wildlife and human society through conservation of biological diversity.

GEO Study Field

In the Sanin Kaigan Geopark experts in geology, lifelong education, and community development conduct basic research in their respective field. We support the Sanin Kaigan Geopark by collaborating with the government and private sector, focusing on lifelong learning and community development. In addition to capturing the essence of the geological phenomena found in the Geopark, we build a story of land formation and clarifying the relationship between the geodiversity and the lives of its inhabitants. We also create educational materials based on these insights and organize regular seminars, caravans, and other events for lifelong learning. These efforts aim to enhance Geopark literacy and better networking.

SOCIO Study Field

We investigate and research various historical and cultural artifacts (historical sites, folklore, folk customs, cultural assets, townscapes, etc.) created by people as they use the surrounding natural environment in their lives. We aim to conduct research and educational activities with an eye to practical issues, such as how to discover, preserve and utilize these valuable local resources and give them new value in today's and future society.

Yearly Entrance Quota and Degree


Department Yearly Entrance Quota Degree
Regional Resource Management 12 Arts


Department Yearly Entrance Quota Degree
Regional Resource Management 2 Arts


Toyooka Geo & Kounotori Campus
128, Shounji, Toyooka, Hyogo 668-0814